Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Slick on the water (leg 8)

Arrived at marina to the smell of diesel! Lots of cleanup going on. the barge with the crane had capsized and leaked diesel into the water. A full environmental crew was on site clearing it up. To our astonishment, most were smoking!

so we went sailing. Up to 25 knots wind, and a quarter of a mile visibility. But with a cup of tea and fowl weather gear we had a great time.


  1. FOWL weather gear? Is that a duckling joke, or did you just forget about homophones?

  2. Well i was tired when i made the post, and my spelling isnt the greatest anyway.

  3. I also likked that know one was dooing anything.... just waiiting for sponges and towels to do their job! (Rachel... can you find all the mistakes?!)
