Friday, July 1, 2011

Prairie Gold - 4000 nm elapsed

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  1. This reminds me of when dad and I used to drive back from Woods Hole for a few summers, and I would make colored pencil drawings to mark "important" events, like crossing a bridge into another state, or when the odometer hit a certain number.

    I also recall certain other duties like keeping a steady supply of Diet Cokes coming, and making PB&J sandwiches on pita bread. I thought this was especially cool because I got to temporarily unbuckle my seatbelt to reach the supplies!

  2. Rachel - I remember those journeys only too well. Maybe youn can draw prairie gold a picture - send it electronically and we can post it on the blog! We have peanut butter on the boat, maybe we will have an honorary sandwich today.

    To all who have posted commens, thanks. Its been great reading your comments. Keep them coming. We have had over 700 hits on te blog during this journey. We will keep posting during the summer. have a happy holiday
