Sunday, June 19, 2011

Boston to Plymouth - leg 17

sunday June 19th - we sailed down from Boston to Plymouth, departing at 6:50am arriving at Plymouth at 4pm. Before we left Boston harbor we already had blood on Prairie Gold - we were trolling lines behind us and one got snagged on a lobster pot. now since it was mine, I still argue it was a monster sized fish. however, cutting the line was necessary. In doing so I inadvertently caused a slight cut to my finger. Not much of a cut, but because the winds were slight ~8kts there was a lot of spinnaker activity. every time i went to the bow it seemed my band-aid came off, and blood dripped on the boat.

however, that was nothing compared to the clean-up that was required as we approached scituate. Dave hooked a fish. he was heard to say "its a shark" while others argued it might be a minnow. However, as expected it was a striper that was a keeper and was dinner cooked on the barbeque that night.

winds died and we stayed the night in Brewers Marina Plymouth in eyesight of the Mayflower II and Plymouth Rock.

Today we will set sail by 10am to catch the current through the cape cod canal which turns to the west at 1:57pm. We wont get much distance today because if the late start but its better than going through at 1am last night! Potential destination for today is Onset, which is at the other end the canal. We will wait to decide until there so that we can see conditions. The west end of the canal is well known for standing waves when there is wind against current......We will report in later.

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