Saturday, June 25, 2011


New York New York
Friday was a well timed day. Nothing eventful, no storms. We were able to enjoy a nine hour trip with lots of sailing. We left Oyster Bay at 9am and were able to sail wing-on-wing until we stopped at City Island at 2pm for an hour for lunch. Wing-on-wing is the sail configuration of one sail to the port and the other to the starboard. This can only be performed when the wind is from directly behind the boat. Although the weather wasnt glorious, the sailing was. We had timed our trip so that we would arrive at Hell's gate at 5:30pm when there is slack water. We were sailing so well we had to stop and eat a little time. So we anchored on the western side of City Island for an hour for lunch - sandwiches and hobnobs. For those non Brits following us look out for hobnobs - they are chocolate covered digestive biscuits. If you see them in the store you must buy some.

After lunch we motored to New York leaving at about 3:30pm. It was easier than expected. However, there were some moments of interest. The first came on the East River when two tankers were closing on us. We kept in to the starboard side of the river to allow them to pass. One did and promptly cut us off to dock immediately in front of us.

The next moment of interest came in Hell's gate. We were right in Hell's gate when a tanker approaching from the stern radioed to us to let him know of our presence and the presence of two tankers coming in the opposite direction. We told him we would keep well to starboard. In the end we turned to starboard and circled twice behind Wards Island to allow the tanker pass us. Then we followed her down the east river past Roosevelt Island where we passed the two tankers coming in the opposite direction. Since this was the narrowest part of the journey we were pleased with our circling decision.

The most exciting moment came when we could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance. Yolande quickly turned on the track -Statue of Liberty- by XTC, a hometown band from Swindon, for our approach.

Then it got interesting. we were at the southern tip of Manhattan at 6pm in rush hour, water taxi and ferry rush hour. We had to weave and wind to keep out of their way, but in the end navigated around the southern end of Manhattan up the Hudson River. We arrived at Surfside 3 Marina at 7pm and got very clear and helpful instructions from Ray the dock attendant.

This morning, Saturday we see some sun! weather forecast is better. We will clean Prairie Gold, ourselves too, take her for a pump out, and possibly sail down to the statue of liberty. Picture upload is working again, so we will try to get pictures today.

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