Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 2 - we are off with good conditions

We tied up to a mooring ball at Spectacle Island to watch the fireworks displays. Nature put on their own fork lighting display along the northshore to add to the fun. Fortunately that storm missed us.

This morning we set out at 5:25am with fresh winds and are heading along the north shore to Cape Ann. We are close reach to close haul with 15-20kts of apparent wind. We have been out for 3.5h and making an average of 6 knots. Passage weather suggests winds will die in a few hours. We will keep sailing and decide whether to make the long overnight treck or stop somewhere earlier.

Will report in again before we lose phone reception - over and out

have rounded Cape Ann. Reception poor but trying to upload picture of sunrise and the islands south of Cape Ann. About to start to try to catch fish. Yolande has been at the helm now for several hours, soon my time to take over. Winds have dropped, we had up to 25kts apparent and had both sails reefed. Now sails are full. Its a beautiful day for sailing, although boatspeed is now down to about 4.5kts.

Any bets on where we are heading today? Please comment. Will check in when the phone works again.

Please note that the following is another update of the days post

At 2:40pm the wind died so we decided to head straight to the Isles of Schoales. The weather forecast fro the night is modest winds and from the north so there shouldn’t be a problem even if we need to anchor. We had been making great time but when we were only doing 1.5kts under wind power something had to change. Choices were 1) Isles of Schoales (16 nm – arrival by 5:30pm), 2) Portland (45nm arrival at night) or press on to our destination ( a long way). Rather than use the engine too much we decided to go to the islands and hope to pick up a mooring. Let see if we are lucky this time, as before we had to anchor.

Now for an update – we went on to Portsmouth to Wentworth by the sea marina. A really nice marina with free handouts, a free bag, a wine bag (no wine though).


  1. Replies
    1. Since we were already here and Spot GPS had shown our location, you now forfeit the $4million prize. But maybe tomorrow you can get some of it back. We just made a reservation for tomorrow night, so regardless of conditions we will be there. Any ideas?

  2. Replies
    1. At the moment we have made reservations in Portland. Wind is going to be against us so we are just motoring to that location for the night. However, so far we have ended up in different locations than expected - lets see
