Friday, July 13, 2012

Matinicus Rock - Puffins and seals

Matinicus rock is about 20nm south of Maine. It is a lonely and remote island that is currently uninhabited. Here is some information about the rock that is taken from "A cruising guide to the Maine Coast". Matinicus rock has two lighthouses, one of which is currently functional and is now automated. Matinicus rock used to be permanently manned. There is a famous story of a girl Annie rescuing the hens during a severe storm. Her father was rowing to the mainland (yes rowing) and she had to take care of the lighthouse and family. Abbie's story is a book "Keep the lights burning, Abbie".

During a storm 1975 a great wave swept across the whole rock, which was documented by the keepers watching in awe from the light tower. As we motored around the island there were only 10knots of wind and it was relatively calm.

Below are some pictures of the rock and birds. Unfortunately I dont have a telephoto lens so couldnt get close ups of the numerous seals, but between camera phone and my waterproof camera we got a few good ones.

For further information about Matinicus Rock please link to this site

In addition to having a great time seeing the wildlife yesterday was an important day for Prairie Gold - on our way to Camden from Matinicus Rock, we got to the point of sailing her 6,000 nm


  1. Don't you need to do a colored pencil drawing to commemorate the event? You know what I'm talking about....

  2. That's a great idea. However, I dont have any pencils, could you start one for me? Great memory....
